cyber security

JSBL Financial Blog    17-Jul-2023

cyber security

Welcome to the new frontier of theft, where a single click can result in the loss of valuable assets. Online fraud is a type of cybercrime where people deceive others to gain financial benefits. Criminals use different tactics to trick individuals into sharing sensitive information or sending money. One such is the Trojan Horse Malware.

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of "Trojan Horse" is the ancient Greek myth of the city of Troy which was invaded by a mysterious trick. This term is also relevant in the field of cyber security.

What exactly is Trojan Horse malware in the context of cyber security?
Trojan-horse malware is a type of malicious software. This software presents itself to us as a legitimate or helpful program. Once you install this software, it allows hackers to access and control the affected computer system, steal sensitive information, or cause damage to the system.

The Trojan Horse malware was first discovered in the late 1980s, but it has evolved and continues to pose a significant threat to individuals and organizations worldwide. Hackers often use social engineering tactics to lure victims into downloading malware. For example, the fraudsters send you an email with an attachment that looks like a legitimate file but contains the Trojan horse malware cybercrime software.

In conclusion, Trojan Horse malware is a type of cybercrime that poses a significant threat to individuals and organizations. Hackers use malware software to steal sensitive information, cause damage to systems, and gain control over computer systems.

How Does Trojan Horse Malware Function?
Once the Trojan horse malware software gets installed on your computer system, it allows the hacker to remotely access the system and steal sensitive information such as passwords, financial information, and personal data while remaining hidden and undetected. The malware can also be used to install other types of malware on the system, such as spyware, ransomware, or adware.

In recent years, the Trojan horse malware software has been used to target large organizations, such as government agencies and financial institutions. For example, a group of hackers used malware to target banks and steal millions of dollars.

To protect your computer systems from cybercrime like Trojan Horse malware, you have to follow the following steps:

  •  To protect against the Trojan horse malware, individuals and organizations should follow basic cyber security practices, such as using strong passwords and keeping software up-to-date.
  •  Use anti-virus and anti-malware software: Install and regularly update anti-virus and anti-malware software to help protect your system from threats.
  •  Be cautious with email attachments: Don't open attachments from unknown sources and be cautious of emails that ask for personal information.
  •  Be careful when downloading files: Only download files from reputable sources and verify the authenticity of downloads before installing.
  •  Public Wi-Fi networks can be vulnerable to cyber attacks, so avoid accessing sensitive information on public Wi-Fi networks.
  •  Backup of important data: Regularly back up your important data to protect it in case of a cyber attack or hardware failure.